
On October 3, 1949 the German Federal Youth Council was founded in Altenberg as a working group of youth organisations and regional youth councils. Currently, our members consist of 28 youth organisations, 16 regional youth councils and 7 affiliated organisations. The affiliated organisations have an advisory vote in the bodies of the German Federal Youth Council. The Statutes and Rules of Procedure regulate the cooperation of members and bodies.

The Plenary Assembly

The Plenary Assembly usually meets once a year. The Assembly discusses the foundations of the work of the German Federal Youth Council. In addition, work priorities for the subsequent year are set out. Youth organisations send delegates to the Assembly, their number being determined on the basis of each organisation’s number of members. The regional youth councils are represented by one delegate each.

The Main Committee

In contrast, in the Main Committee each youth organisation are represented by one vote – the affiliate organisations have an advisory vote. The regional youth councils put together share three votes. The Main Committee carries out all tasks that are not explicitly reserved to the Plenary Assembly in between the meetings of this Assembly of the German Federal Youth Council. The Main Committee meets four times a year.

The Board

The Board works on the basis of the decisions made by Plenary Assembly and Main Committee. It represents the German Federal Youth Council internally and externally. Usually, the Board meets ten times a year.